423901-FS2023-0-Risk measures

Root number 423901
Semester FS2023
Type of course Lecture
Allocation to subject Statistics
Type of exam not defined
Title Risk measures
Description - Simple examples of random variables and their risks. Why are is
the expectation and the variance not adequate risk measures?
- Value-at-Risk, quantiles, main properties (with
proofs). Subadditivity of VaR for normal random vectors (proof),
violation of the subadditivity property in general.
- General monetary risk measures, acceptance sets, recovering the
risk measure from the acceptance set (proof).
- Coherent risk measures. Acceptance sets of coherent risk
measures (proof).
- Properties of risk measures defined on a finite probability space.
- Lower semicontinuity property of risk measures
(formulation). Definition of sigma(Lp,Lq)-topology.
- Representation of sigma(Lp,Lq)-lower semicontinuous
coherent risk measures (with the proof based on the bipolar
- Convex risk measures. Representation of convex risk measures
(without proof). Penalty function. Entropic risk measure and its
penalty function (proof).
- Average Value-at-Risk, its special cases for alpha=0 and
alpha=1. Its expression as an expectation (proof).
- Representation of AVaR using supremum of
E mu (-X) (proof). Relations of AVaR to WCE and ES (proof).
- Law invariance, representation of convex law invariant risk
measures on Lp using the quantile functions (with proof using the
Hardy-Littlewood inequality) and on L infinity
using measures on (0,1] (proof).
- The minimal property of AVaR (without proof).
- Construction of risk measures using moments and loss functions.
- Distorted probability and the corresponding risk measure
(without proof).
- Non-additive measure, 2-alternating probabilities,
concavity of the corresponding distortion functions (proof that the
concavity of psi implies 2-alterantion).
- The Choquet integral and its basic properties, sublinearity
(proof that sublinearity implies 2-alternation).
- Characterisation of convex law invariant risk measures using the
penalised Choquet integral with respect to the distorted probability
- Comonotonic random variables, characterisation.
- Comonotonic additive risk measures, their coherency property,
and characterisation using the Choquet integral and as an integral
of AVaR.
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Lecturers PD Dr. Andrii IlienkoInstitute of Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science 
Recognition as optional course possible Yes
Grading 1 to 6
Dates Friday 10:15-13:00 Weekly
Friday 30/6/2023 10:00-11:30
Rooms Hörraum B078, Exakte Wissenschaften, ExWi
Students please consult the detailed view for complete information on dates, rooms and planned podcasts.