441773-FS2019-0-Loneliness: Symptom and/or disease?

Root number 441773
Semester FS2019
Type of course Seminar
Allocation to subject Psychology
Type of exam not defined
Title Loneliness: Symptom and/or disease?
Description Humans are social creatures. If people feel socially isolated, it is called "perceived social isolation" or "loneliness". Many people know the feeling of loneliness or perceived social isolation and some scholars nowadays even consider loneliness an epidemic phenomenon. There is strong evidence that social isolation and loneliness significantly increase the risk of premature mortality and have adverse health effects. Based on research literature, the seminar will examine various forms of loneliness (e.g. little social contact, feeling lonely despite many contacts) and related phenomena, and its causes and the connection with mental disorders. In addition, we concentrate on interventions targeting on a reduction of the feeling of loneliness.
ILIAS-Link (Learning resource for course) Registrations are transmitted from CTS to ILIAS (no admission in ILIAS possible). ILIAS
Link to another web site
Lecturers Prof. Dr. Thomas BergerInstitute of Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 
PD Dr. Tobias KriegerInstitute of Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 
Recognition as optional course possible Yes
Grading 1 to 6
Dates Tuesday 08:15-10:00 Weekly
Rooms Seminarraum B 202, Institutsgebäude vonRoll
Students please consult the detailed view for complete information on dates, rooms and planned podcasts.