436176-FS2023-0-Colloquium Interreligious Studies

Root number 436176
Semester FS2023
Type of course Colloquium
Allocation to subject Religious Studies
Type of exam Presentation
Title Colloquium Interreligious Studies
Description IRS Societies FS 2023: Postsecular Interreligiosity

5 dates: February 21, 28, March 7, 14, 28.
Location: Room A313, Faculty of Theology, Länggassstrasse 51, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Abstract Content:
The Western world, and Europe in particular, has long been moving away from religious, especially Christian, roots. This is what has always been understood by "secularization". The separation from religious traditions happened in the name of enlightened reason, autonomy, "scientific progress". This is also what the epoch term "modernity" stands for.

Postmodernism," on the other hand, questioned "modern" (scientistic and philosophical of history) basic assumptions, and the "return of religion" additionally shook the Eurocentric assumption that Western secularization anticipated the development of all humanity. Postcolonialism also raises awareness of Western colonialism and racism as the dark sides of Enlightenment/modernity and thus secularization, while questioning the Christian/secular distinction. As a result, secular certainties, including their independence from Christianity, appear shaken, and thus a new (critical) interest in, but also a new open-mindedness toward, religious traditions has emerged even among secularly minded people. These developments led to what has been called "post-secular" for about 20 years.

The IRS-Sozietät would like to approach this term post-secularity and its relevance for interreligious studies on the basis of some exemplary texts by theorists from different traditions.

Aim of the Sozietät:
The IRS Sozietät was introduced in the FS 2017. It is intended to give all students of Interreligious Studies/Interreligious Studies the opportunity to discuss current topics in the field together. It takes place each spring semester and is led by 1-2 people from the "Team IRS".
Focus on IRS: "In becoming acquainted with and critically questioning various religious cultures in history and the present, as well as in reflecting on and practicing interreligious change of perspective, graduates of this program are enabled to communicate with and among religious traditions." (https://www.irs.unibe.ch/index_ger.html)

Acquisition ECTS:
The sociation is scored as 1 ETCS point (pass/fail). Approximately 10 hours will be charged for each of a) active participation in the Society itself; b) reading and preparing the texts; and c) preparing the case study.
One (1) additional ECTS point can be earned by writing an additional, voluntary essay of 5-6 pages. The writing of an essay must be registered with the lecturers no later than the last course (March 28, 2023). The deadline for any essay is August 15, 2023.

Session Sequence:
- 10 min. Input on a text to be read by all, followed by exchange.
- 10 min input on a case study, followed by exchange.

For more information, see the document "IRS Sozietät FS 2023 Semester Planning" on Ilias. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
ILIAS-Link (Learning resource for course) Registrations are transmitted from CTS to ILIAS (no admission in ILIAS possible). ILIAS
Link to another web site
Lecturers Prof. Dr. Luca Daniele Di BlasiInstitute of Systematic Theology 
Angela Elisabeth UllmannDean's Office of the Faculty of Theology 
Recognition as optional course possible Yes
Grading passed/failed
Dates Tuesday 14:15-16:00 Weekly
External rooms Raum und Termine t.b.a.; bitte erkundigen Sie sich bei den Doz.
Students please consult the detailed view for complete information on dates, rooms and planned podcasts.