Root number
481711 |
FS2023 |
Type of course
Lecture |
Allocation to subject
Business Administration |
Type of exam
Written exam |
Title |
Data Management for Businesses |
Description |
Nowadays, companies can profit from more data sources, larger amounts of data, as well as new types of data, that often cross corporate boarders, leading to an overall higher importance of data for modern data-driven businesses. At the same time, companies face challenges, because more interfaces to the outside world are necessary and companies also operate frequently on external markets with only limited control over data and corresponding actions (e.g., on external data platforms). The course deals with the opportunities and challenges that data-driven businesses face today and explores technological, economic, as well as organizational aspects of this development. It presents both theoretically grounded as well as directly practically applicable knowledge on data management for businesses and thus lays the foundation for further courses in this area. |
ILIAS-Link (Learning resource for course)
Registrations are transmitted from CTS to ILIAS (no admission in ILIAS possible).
Link to another web site
Lecturers |
Prof. Dr.
Christian Matt, Institute of Information Systems, Information Management ✉
Prof. Dr.
Thomas Myrach, Institute of Information Systems, Information Management ✉
3 |
Recognition as optional course possible
No |
1 to 6 |
Dates |
Wednesday 16:15-18:00 Weekly
Thursday 1/6/2023 18:30-20:00
Wednesday 6/9/2023 14:15-15:45
Rooms |
Hörsaal 1 001, Engehalde, E8
Hörraum 101, Hauptgebäude H4
External rooms |
Hörraum 201, Hauptgebäude
Hörraum 220, Hauptgebäude
Students please consult the detailed view for complete information on dates, rooms and planned podcasts. |