476677-FS2024-0-Studies in unconsciousness- Anaesthesia as to the dark sides of the mind

Root number 476677
Semester FS2024
Type of course Proseminar
Allocation to subject Neuroscience
Type of exam Presentation
Title Studies in unconsciousness- Anaesthesia as to the dark sides of the mind
Description While the study of «consciousness» is often outlined as one of sciences big questions in the 21st century and the wakeful mind is subjected to a plethora of scientific tests and methods, unconscious minds are studied mostly in the context of coma- and epilepsy research. Anaesthesia research opens a conceptual door to learn and understand unconsciousness better. Contrary to old concepts positing that there was one unified unconsciousness state alone, the evaluation of EEG-patterns and fMRI exams of anaesthesia states caused by different drugs points to different neurobiological states with the common phenotypic endpoint of reduced wakefulness and different degrees of conscious content. This pro-seminar will aim at familiarizing students with this well studied but little known scientific field including topics like history of anaesthesia, EEG-guided practice of anaesthesia and neurobiological overlap with physiological states like coma, epilepsy, sleep, psychedelic states and hypnosis. this The ulterior goal is to kindle interest for states of unconsciousness, their thalamocortical and cerebrotruncal underpinnings and the importance of delir, cognitive decline and hallucination in modern clinical practice. Literature will be provided along with the 2 reading assignments: Markus Solms “ The hidden source” and Anil Seth’s “Being you”. Interested students will have the possibility to spend a day as clinical observers at Inselspitals anaesthesia institute. The plan is to have renowned specialists in anaesthesia-research give keynote lectures via Zoom or live to highlight special topics relevant to the role of unconsciousness states completing our understanding of consciousness as a whole. Students wishing to deepen their insight can apply for small research tasks.
ILIAS-Link (Learning resource for course) Registrations are transmitted from CTS to ILIAS (no admission in ILIAS possible). ILIAS
Link to another web site
Lecturers Dr. Friedrich LerschClinic and Policlinic for Anaesthesiology and Pain Therapy 
Recognition as optional course possible No
Grading 1 to 6
Dates Thursday 18:15-20:00 Weekly
Thursday 11/4/2024 18:15-20:00
Rooms Seminarraum B 202, Institutsgebäude vonRoll
Students please consult the detailed view for complete information on dates, rooms and planned podcasts.