477883-FS2024-0-Gifted and Talented Children - implications for their Social, Emotional, and Psychosocial Development

Root number 477883
Semester FS2024
Type of course Seminar
Allocation to subject Psychology
Type of exam not defined
Title Gifted and Talented Children - implications for their Social, Emotional, and Psychosocial Development
Description Content: The seminar explores and discusses the impact of "giftedness and talent" on children's social, emotional and psychosocial development. The focus is on the connection between the development of their giftedness and their broader development. Topics include, for example, the role of the environment of gifted children and the preconditions for the development of giftedness.
Requirements: Participants read basic literature and answer guiding questions to prepare thoroughly for each session. The seminar will be designed in such a way that the preparatory tasks will be discussed and elaborated upon. As part of the sessions, students will give a presentation on a relevant theme, followed by further discussion.
The acquisition of 5 ECTS requires regular, active participation in the seminar, and participation in a presentation. The basis for the grading will be a presentation and a seminar paper.
Registration: Registration must be made via KSL. Registration is binding and cannot be canceled or changed.
Literature: The relevant literature for the examination will be announced at the beginning of the semester.
Study focus: The achievements in the seminar are recognized for a master's module in developmental psychology (15, 30 or 45 ECTS) and as a compulsory elective subject.
ILIAS-Link (Learning resource for course) Registrations are transmitted from CTS to ILIAS (no admission in ILIAS possible). ILIAS
Link to another web site Further information for this course
Lecturers Dr. Florian Jonas BühlerInstitute of Psychology, Developmental Psychology 
Recognition as optional course possible Yes
Grading 1 to 6
Dates Wednesday 14:15-18:00 Fortnightly
Wednesday 20/3/2024 14:15-18:00
Wednesday 10/4/2024 14:15-18:00
Wednesday 24/4/2024 14:15-18:00
Wednesday 8/5/2024 14:15-18:00
Wednesday 15/5/2024 14:15-18:00
Rooms Seminarraum 002, Seminargebäude vonRoll
Students please consult the detailed view for complete information on dates, rooms and planned podcasts.