Root number
101172 |
FS2025 |
Type of course
Lecture |
Allocation to subject
Economics |
Type of exam
not defined |
Title |
Climate Economics: Scientific and Economic Foundations |
Description |
For the most updated administrative course information (date changes, room changes etc) please always refer to the KSL page only and not to the Info page in ILIAS – the ILIAS infopage will not be updated!
In this course we first learn the fundamental scientific principles which drive the long-run consequences of climate change. Then we explore how to trade off the long-run costs of these consequences against the immediate costs of greenhouse gas abatement, in order to derive optimal global mitigation policies. To this end, we briefly review Nordhaus’ DICE model, the most prominent Integrated Assessment Model of climate change mitigation, and its connections to the neoclassical growth model. We then explore several shortcomings of the DICE model, namely the absence of non-market damages, its negligence of the intergenerational nature of climate change mitigation and its disregard for the high uncertainty of the damages of climate change, and discuss how incorporating these aspects impact on the optimal mitigation policy.
Relevance to "Sustainable Development":
The course stresses the intertemporal and long-run nature of climate change and climate change mitigation. Problems of intra- and intergenerational equity related to climate change are discussed.
Language: English
Credits: 3 SWS / 4.5 ECTS
Mid term and Take home exam (will be published on ILIAS) - please register in KSL for the mid term exam:
submission deadline mid term: 27.04.2025
submission deadline final home exam: 18.07.2025 (no registration in KSL is required)
This course can also be attended by master and PhD students of the Graduate School of Climate Sciences.
Lecture: Tuesday, 12.15 - 14.00 h, 114, H4
exercises: Wednesday, 10.15 - 12.00, bi-weekly, 215, H4 |
ILIAS-Link (Learning resource for course)
No registration/deregistration in CTS (Admission in ILIAS possible).
Link to another web site
Lecturers |
Prof. Dr.
Ralph Winkler, Department of Economics ✉
4.5 |
Recognition as optional course possible
Yes |
1 to 6 |
Dates |
Tuesday 12:15-14:00 Weekly
Wednesday 10:15-12:00 Fortnightly
Wednesday 16/4/2025 10:15-12:00
Sunday 27/4/2025 00:05-23:55
Wednesday 30/4/2025 10:15-12:00
Wednesday 14/5/2025 10:15-12:00
Friday 18/7/2025 00:05-23:55
Rooms |
Hörraum 114, Hauptgebäude H4
Seminarraum 215, Hauptgebäude H4
Students please consult the detailed view for complete information on dates, rooms and planned podcasts. |