101717-FS2025-0-Tissue Engineering - Practical Course

Root number 101717
Semester FS2025
Type of course Group Laboratory
Allocation to subject Biomedical Engineering
Type of exam not defined
Title Tissue Engineering - Practical Course
Description The detailed timetable is still preliminary

Auditors (Gasthörer) will not be admitted to this course.

Course type: 2-week laboratory block course

Module: Recommended Elective Courses / Major Module "Biomechanical Systems"

Selection criterion: This course will be limited to 4 groups à 2 people. 1 or 2 places are reserved for PhD students. Next in line are students who completed the course “Tissue Engineering”, followed by other BME students who completed the course "Biological Principles of Human Medicine" or acquired the depth of knowledge in previous studies. Among these, students from higher semesters are given preference. Among these, places are assigned according to the academic performance in these fields.

Course materials are regularly posted on Ilias (www.ilias.unibe.ch).

• Course(s): Biological Principles of Human Medicine, Tissue Engineering

Recommended Courses/Skills:
• Course(s): Tissue Engineering
• Skill(s): pipetting, stoichiometry, “molecular thinking”

Required Material or Equipment:
• Second pair of closed slippers for the change between non-sterile and sterile laboratory
• A Laboratory coat will be provided

Course Policies and Classroom Rules of Conduct:
• Academic dishonesty, plagiarism, and any other kind of fraud will lead to the exclusion from the course.
• Attendance required
• Punctuality
• No radios, audio/cd player, earphones
• No food and beverages in the lab

Course Description
The primary aim of this course is to become familiar with the basics of cell and tissue culture. The students will be introduced to basic laboratory techniques doing actual bench work. It is intended for biomedical engineers that are “beginners” of cell culture and tissue engineering. High weight will be given to 3D culture systems, such as hydrogels but also to the most commonly used protocols to characterize a culture system, such as proliferation, activity, and matrix production, e.g. DNA content, glycosaminoglycan content, cell viability and cell activity, respectively. Students will learn how to maintain cells in culture in 2D but also in 3D culture using hydrogels. Furthermore, students can get familiar with proper pipetting and preparation of culture media. These skills will be exercised within the framework of a two-week experiment where primary cells will be harvested from tissue from the abattoir. Cells will be seeded in two 3D carriers, e.g. 1.2% alginate, 2% agarose and these culture systems will be compared to the 2D monolayer. The handling of growth factors and real-time reverse transcriptase-PCR will be demonstrated. The theory and own results of the practical exercises are discussed between the experimental work. Guest lectures will be given by experts: Inside lectures will be given on decellularization and recellularization by Dr. Eric Felli, and on lung regeneration by Prof. Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser and PD Dr. Amiq Gazdhar, and finally on endothelial cells by PD Dr. Allessandro Bertolo.
ILIAS-Link (Learning resource for course) Registrations are transmitted from CTS to ILIAS (no admission in ILIAS possible). ILIAS
Link to another web site Further information for this course
Lecturers Prof. Dr. Benjamin GantenbeinClinic of Orthopaedic Surgery 
Yamina BaumgartnerClinic of Orthopaedic Surgery 
PD Dr. Alessandro BertoloARTORG Center - Master in Biomedical Engineering 
Katherine Briana CrumpClinic of Orthopaedic Surgery 
PD Dr.med. Amiq GazdharClinic of Pneumology and Allergology 
PD Dr. Barbara Rothen-RutishauserMasters in Biomedical Engineering 
Leon Max SchlagenhofClinic of Orthopaedic Surgery 
Shuimu ChenTissue Engineering, Orthopaedic Research & Mechanobiology 
Dr.phil. Eric FelliClinic of Visceral Surgery and Medicine, Hepatology 
Recognition as optional course possible No
Grading 1 to 6
Dates Monday 3/2/2025 09:15-11:00
Monday 3/2/2025 11:15-12:00
Monday 3/2/2025 13:30-17:30
Tuesday 4/2/2025 09:00-11:00
Wednesday 5/2/2025 08:15-09:00
Wednesday 5/2/2025 09:15-10:00
Wednesday 5/2/2025 11:30-12:00
Wednesday 5/2/2025 13:30-16:00
Thursday 6/2/2025 09:15-10:00
Thursday 6/2/2025 10:00-12:00
Thursday 6/2/2025 13:30-17:00
Friday 7/2/2025 08:15-09:00
Friday 7/2/2025 09:15-10:00
Friday 7/2/2025 10:00-12:00
Monday 10/2/2025 08:15-10:00
Monday 10/2/2025 10:00-12:00
Monday 10/2/2025 13:30-16:00
Tuesday 11/2/2025 08:15-11:00
Tuesday 11/2/2025 11:15-12:00
Tuesday 11/2/2025 13:30-16:00
Tuesday 11/2/2025 16:00-17:30
Wednesday 12/2/2025 08:15-10:00
Wednesday 12/2/2025 10:00-12:00
Wednesday 12/2/2025 13:30-17:30
Thursday 13/2/2025 08:15-11:00
Thursday 13/2/2025 11:00-12:00
Thursday 13/2/2025 13:30-17:30
Friday 14/2/2025 09:00-10:00
Friday 14/2/2025 10:00-12:00
Students please consult the detailed view for complete information on dates, rooms and planned podcasts.