1444-FS2025-0-Sustainability in the Anthropocene (Podcast)

Root number 1444
Semester FS2025
Type of course Lecture
Allocation to subject Geography
Type of exam Written exam
Title Sustainability in the Anthropocene (Podcast)
Description This course examines key challenges and their implications, as well as the potentials and pathways for achieving sustainability in the Anthropocene. The idea of the Anthropocene connotes that human activities have become major determinant factors in driving earth system processes. The question then is what does achieving sustainability mean in the context of the Anthropocene?
Human activities have led to economic growth, development and opportunities but a core problem is the huge inequalities associated with these developments. Opportunities and growth are not equally distributed. Conflicting interests and aims result often simultaneously in winners and losers.
Human activities, such as energy use and food consumption have led to various local-global scale environmental and socio-economic problems including hunger and social injustices, land degradation and land use change, deforestation, biodiversity loss, climate change, among others. These human-driven social-environmental problems threaten earth system processes that maintain the conditions for human and non-human lives hence prompting debates about the need to maintain safe ecological conditions, human wellbeing, social justice and equity.
As a vision to steer development towards sustainable pathways, the 17 goals and the multiple targets set in the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development highlight the interconnections and trade-offs but also complementarities between the environmental, economic and social dimensions of sustainability as well as between meeting the needs of the present and future generations. Science takes a prominent role in generating knowledge needed for this transformation. This includes adopting transdisciplinary for negotiating sustainability and considering different stakeholders’ vision of a safe and just operating space, and for identifying policy prescriptions at different scales.
Some guiding questions for this course include:
1. How can sustainability and the sustainable development goals be understood and analysed in the context of the Anthropocene? How does the concept of scale help us to understand and critically reflect on sustainability in the Anthropocene?
2. Whose Anthropocene? What are the different experiences of environmental, economic and social problems? Whose responsibilities, who are the losers and winners? What insights to derive from an environmental justice, resilience and social justice perspectives?
3. What narratives are applied in discussing sustainability and how do such narratives shape how processes, subjects, places and practices are discussed?
4. How does a critical engagement with different conceptual debates contribute to understanding predominating unsustainable trends and inequalities but also potentials for emancipation?
5. How do governance and institutional arrangements including policies at global- national-local levels shape the prospect for sustainability in terms of being barriers or helping in identifying solutions toward sustainability?

Class teaching / Online
ILIAS-Link (Learning resource for course) Registrations are transmitted from CTS to ILIAS (no admission in ILIAS possible). ILIAS
Link to another web site
Lecturers Prof. Dr. Chinwe Ifejika SperanzaInstitute of Geography 
Prof. Dr. Susan ThiemeTeaching Staff, Faculty of Science 
Prof. Dr. Peter MesserliWyss Academy for Nature (WA) 
Dr. Giulia Curatola FernándezInstitute of Geography 
Recognition as optional course possible Yes
Grading 1 to 6
Dates Wednesday 19/2/2025 08:15-10:00
Wednesday 28/5/2025 08:15-10:00
Tuesday 3/6/2025 14:00-16:00
Rooms Hörsaal 001, Geographie GIUB
External rooms Audimax + Raum 114, Hauptgebäude
Students please consult the detailed view for complete information on dates, rooms and planned podcasts.