Description |
For the most updated administrative course information (date changes, room changes etc) please always refer to the KSL page only and not to the Info page in ILIAS – the ILIAS infopage will not be updated!
In most countries, selling and buying kidneys is prohibited, while donating a kidney is seen as a moral act. This is an example of a “repugnant” or“noxious” market. In this seminar, we will try to understand why some markets are repugnant, what are the consequences of such repugnance, and what are the consequences of different policy options with regard to these markets.
Registration in KSL and ILIAS is necessary.
Limited slots (12): Registration in KSL is necessary. (open from 15.01.-04.02.2025)
This seminar is based on the book “Why some things should not be for sale” by Debra Satz, Oxford
University Press, 2010.
Required readings:
Class 2: Satz, Chapters 1, 4 and 9.
Class 3: Satz, Chapters 5 and 6.
Class 4: Reports by groups 1 and 2, feedback by groups 3 and 4.
Class 5: Reports by groups 3 and 4, feedback by groups 1 and 2.
Your grade will be based on the number of points you collect throughout the semester. The total
number of points is 100. The points for different tasks are listed below:
1. Quizzes – 2x10 pts
2. Report – 30 pts
3. Feedback –10 pts
4. Presentation and discussion - 30 pts
5. General participation – 10 pts
There will be a quiz before Classes 2 and 3. Each quiz will be based entirely on the assigned readings for that meeting. The purpose of the quizzes is to make sure that everyone completes the assigned readings, which are necessary for active participation in the seminar.
Schedule: Topic Date and Time:
Class 1 Introduction 18.02., 14:15-15:00, A024, UniS
Class 2 Overview & market for human kidneys, 04.03., 14:15-16:00,A024, UniS
Class 3 Markets in women’s reproductive and sexual labor, 18.03., 14:15-16:00, A024, UniS
Deadline Groups 1 and 2 report deadline 01.04., 16:59,
Deadline Groups 3 and 4 feedback deadline 08.04., 16:59,
Class 4 Groups 1 and 2 presentations 15.04., 14:15-16:00, A024, UniS
Deadline Groups 3 and 4 report deadline 15.04., 16:59,
Deadline Groups 1 and 2 feedback deadline 29.04., 16:59,
Class 5 Groups 3 & Group 4 presentations 06.05., 14:15-16:00, A024, UniS
Classes 2 and 3 will be based on in-class discussion of the assigned readings.
Classes 4 and 5 and are based on the presentations and discussions.
****** please register for final examination im KSL (1. Exam date) *********** |