488166-FS2025-0-Seminar: Recent Developments in Competition Policy

Root number 488166
Semester FS2025
Type of course Seminar
Allocation to subject Economics
Type of exam not defined
Title Seminar: Recent Developments in Competition Policy
Description *** IMPORTANT ***
For the most updated administrative course information (date changes, room changes etc) please always refer to the KSL page only and not to the Info page in ILIAS – the ILIAS infopage will not be updated!

Seminar: Recent Developments in Competition Policy
Titel (DE) Seminar: Recent Developments in Competition Policy

*** this seminar is limited to 9 participants - please register in KSL (02.01.-03.02.2025)

This seminar examines cases that were investigated by competition authorities in the United States, EU and Switzerland. We will look at cases covering merger investigations, monopoly conduct/abuse of dominance, and anticompetitive agreements/collusion.
The seminar is designed to provide students with an understanding of the economic and legal issues that arise in competition cases. The seminar will also provide students with an opportunity to develop their skills in presenting and discussing complex economic issues.

1. Merger cases
(a) Sprint/T-Mobile (starting point: Kwoka et al., 2023)
(b) General Electric/Alstom (starting point: Kwoka et al., 2023)
(c) Ticketcorner/Starticket (starting point: RPW 2018/3 and RPW 2024/1)

2.Dominance cases
(a) US v Google (starting point: Judge Amit Mehta’s decision from Aug 5, 2024)
(b) EU Intel case (starting point: Fumagalli et al., 2018 – but note the new developments)
(c) Eishockey im Pay-TV (starting point: RPW 2017/2, RPW 2017/3, RPW
2020/4b, RPW 2021/1)

3. Collusion cases
(a) EU Forex case “Sterling Lads” (Starting point: EC decision in the case AT.40135
of Dec 2, 2021)
(b) EU Car Emissions case (Starting point: EC decision in the case AT.40178 of
Jul 8, 2021)
(c) Luftfracht (starting point: RPW 2022/1)

Schedule (Topic/Date/Time):
Class 1 Introduction Feb 18 10:15-11:45h, A019, UniS
Deadline Submission of reports on merger cases Mar 18 16:49
Deadline Submission of feedback on merger reports Mar 25 16:49
Class 2 Merger cases presentations Apr 1 10:15-11:45h, A019, UniS
Deadline Submission of reports on dominance cases Apr 1 16:49
Deadline Submission of feedback on dominance reports Apr 8 16:49
Class 3 Dominance cases presentations Apr 15 10:15-11:45, A019, UniS
Deadline Submission of reports on collusion cases Apr 15 16:49
Deadline Submission of feedback on collusion reports Apr 29 16:49
Class 4 Collusion cases presentations May 6 10:15-11:45, A019, UniS

Assignment of Topics
You will be asked to specify two preferred topics through an online poll. There is no
guarantee that these choices will be assigned. The assignment of the topics will be communicated
in the introductory lecture on February 18, 2025.

You should read all reports and all feedbacks on the cases that will be presented in that
class. This is necessary for active participation in the seminar.

Fumagalli C., Motta M. and Calcagno C., “Exclusionary Practices: The Economics of
Monopolisation and Abuse of Dominance,” Cambridge University Press, 2018.
Kwoka J., Valletti T. and White, L., “Antitrust Economics at a Time of Upheaval: Recent
Competition Policy Cases on Two Continents,” Competition Policy International, 2023
ILIAS-Link (Learning resource for course) Registrations are transmitted from CTS to ILIAS (no admission in ILIAS possible). ILIAS
Link to another web site
Lecturers Prof. Dr. Igor LetinaDepartment of Economics 
Recognition as optional course possible No
Grading 1 to 6
Dates Tuesday 18/2/2025 10:15-11:45
Tuesday 18/3/2025 00:05-16:50
Tuesday 25/3/2025 00:05-16:50
Tuesday 1/4/2025 00:05-16:50
Tuesday 1/4/2025 10:15-11:45
Tuesday 8/4/2025 00:05-16:50
Tuesday 15/4/2025 00:05-16:50
Tuesday 15/4/2025 10:15-11:45
Tuesday 29/4/2025 00:05-16:50
Tuesday 6/5/2025 10:15-11:45
Rooms Seminarraum A 019, UniS
Students please consult the detailed view for complete information on dates, rooms and planned podcasts.