489440-FS2025-0-Transformative Pathways: Bridging Analysis and Implementation (Masterclass)

Root number 489440
Semester FS2025
Type of course Lecture
Allocation to subject Sustainable Development
Type of exam Assignment
Title Transformative Pathways: Bridging Analysis and Implementation (Masterclass)
Description The aim of this course is to systematically apply transformation approaches to a real-life situation. In dialogue with experts, students will explore the scope for shaping a sustainability transformation tailored to a specific challenge. This masterclass is closely linked to the accompanying students project course in the upcoming autumn term, in which the strategies and tools learned are deepened in project-based challenges.

The students will be given tools, coping mechanisms and strategies for dealing with challenges in specific fields of action (Masterclass). Together with experts who bring the challenges ‘from practice into the classroom’, the participants systematically develop approaches to address these challenges, and to develop transformative paths to action (student project).

Depending on the context - e.g. in a company, at universities, in civil society, in administration or in politics - the participants will derive the necessary key elements to overcome the effects of the multiple crises or prevent negative consequences.

The course adopts the challenge-based education approach. Participants work on real sustainability challenges, develop customised solutions in teams and adapt them to the relevant field of action. In addition, the laboratory character of the course is intended to create space to open up perspectives beyond the beaten track. Students recognise patterns such as standard resistance, lock-ins and path dependencies and develop the ability to create transformation paths tailored to the field of action.
ILIAS-Link (Learning resource for course) Registrations are transmitted from CTS to ILIAS (no admission in ILIAS possible). ILIAS
Link to another web site
Lecturers Dr. Sabin BieriCentre for Development and Environment (CDE) 
Dr. Christoph BaderCentre for Development and Environment (CDE) 
Dr. Stephanie MoserCentre for Development and Environment (CDE) 
Recognition as optional course possible No
Grading 1 to 6
Dates Tuesday 16:15-18:00 Weekly
Students please consult the detailed view for complete information on dates, rooms and planned podcasts.