493720-FS2025-0-Introduction into Greek Mythology

Root number 493720
Semester FS2025
Type of course Lecture
Allocation to subject Classical Philology
Type of exam Multiple Choice
Title Introduction into Greek Mythology
Description Greek myths are omnipresent: in literature and art, in everyday language and in popular culture. This lecture introduces the most important myths of the Greeks. Myths are stories of cultural relevance and authority. They aim to entertain, but also to provide answers to important questions of the human condition. The lecture will examine the Greek myths in their form as a model for explaining the world, ask about their oriental predecessors and take a look at their reception within Greece as well as by the Romans, Jews and Christians. The history of myth theories will be discussed in detail.
ILIAS-Link (Learning resource for course) Registrations are transmitted from CTS to ILIAS (no admission in ILIAS possible). ILIAS
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Lecturers Prof. Dr. René BlochInstitute of Classical Philology 
Recognition as optional course possible Yes
Grading 1 to 6
Dates Monday 10:15-12:00 Weekly
Rooms Hörraum F 023, Hörraumgebäude Unitobler
Students please consult the detailed view for complete information on dates, rooms and planned podcasts.