493815-FS2025-0-Ergänzungskurs (Übung) LW II: Scholarly editing of Jeremias Gotthelf’s tales

Root number 493815
Semester FS2025
Type of course Course
Allocation to subject German Language and Literature
Type of exam not defined
Title Ergänzungskurs (Übung) LW II: Scholarly editing of Jeremias Gotthelf’s tales
Description How are Jeremias Gotthelf's stories edited for the new printed and digital historical-critical complete edition of Jeremias Gotthelf's works and letters? Using sample texts, we will become familiar with the various stages of editorial practice: OCR process, collation, coding, apparatus construction, description of the text history, lemmatisation for the commentary, commentary.
This exercise is aimed at students of editing philology and Master's students of German studies who are particularly interested in getting to know practical philological working methods.
In preparation, you could familiarise yourself with Jeremias Gotthelf's narrative work, especially the early stories: ‘Wie fünf Mädchen im Branntewein jämmerlich umkommen’, ‘Wie Joggeli eine Frau sucht’, ‘Ein Silvestertraum’, ‘Hans Berner und seine Söhne’, ‘Elsi die seltsame Magd’.

Will be announced during the course.

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Lecturers PD Dr. Christian von ZimmermannForschungsstelle Jeremias Gotthelf Universität Bern 
Katharina Johanna BlankInstitute of Germanic Languages and Literatures 
Recognition as optional course possible Yes
Grading 1 to 6
Dates Monday 10:15-12:00 Weekly
Rooms Seminarraum F -107, Hörraumgebäude Unitobler
Students please consult the detailed view for complete information on dates, rooms and planned podcasts.