706-FS2025-0-System Earth

Root number 706
Semester FS2025
Type of course Lecture
Allocation to subject Earth Sciences
Type of exam Presentation
Title System Earth
Description System theory; System Earth sustainability, ecological footprint, atmosphere & oceans (circulation, climate), biosphere & soils; element cycles (C,O,N,P); H2O-cycle; Wilson cycle; mantle convection; trace elements.

Teaching language: German. Lectures by A. Harisson and V. Mavromatis will be taught in English.
ILIAS-Link (Learning resource for course) Registrations are transmitted from CTS to ILIAS (no admission in ILIAS possible). ILIAS
Link to another web site
Lecturers Prof. Dr. Hendrik VogelInstitute of Geological Sciences 
Prof. Dr. Marco HerweghInstitute of Geological Sciences (GEO) - Tectonics & Structural Geology Group 
Prof. Dr. Fritz SchluneggerInstitute of Geological Sciences (GEO) - Exogene Geology Group 
Prof. Dr. Jörg HermannInstitute of Geological Sciences, Petrology 
Prof. Dr. Anna Lee HarrisonInstitute of Geological Sciences (GEO) - Rock-Water-Interaction Group 
PD Dr. Vasileios MavromatisInstitute of Geological Sciences 
Recognition as optional course possible Yes
Grading 1 to 6
Dates Thursday 08:15-10:00 Weekly
Friday 08:15-10:00 Weekly
Thursday 5/6/2025 08:15-10:00
Rooms Haller-Auditorium 248, Geologie, Bal 1
External rooms Prakt. Saal Karten
Students please consult the detailed view for complete information on dates, rooms and planned podcasts.