436135-HS2022-0-Prevention and resilience approaches

Root number 436135
Semester HS2022
Type of course Proseminar
Allocation to subject Psychology
Type of exam not defined
Title Prevention and resilience approaches
Description Mental disorders often start in childhood and adolescence. They are associated with substantial psychosocial and economic burden. Therefore, there has been growing interest in the development of prevention approaches for children and adolescents in recent years with the aim to prevent development of a mental disorder or at least to positively influence its course and minimize costs. Current prevention approaches mainly focus on specific mental disorders and/or specific risk behavior and have often been evaluated in adult samples. However, previous meta-analyses criticized the lack of specificity of these approaches for children and adolescents. Consequently, transdiagnostic interventions to enhance resilience may represent a more promising approach. „Resilience” is a commonplace term in research, clinical practice, and politics. However, there is a lack of assessments with good psychometric properties that measure psychological, social, and neurobiological factors of it, which is a necessary prerequisite for the evaluation of programs to enhance resilience. Participants will get an overview about different types of prevention in childhood and adolescence for several mental disorders such as psychoses, anxiety and depressive disorders. Requirements are active participation, giving a presentation on a current research question, reading and elaborating current literature, and passing the written performance record ("Lernjournal").
ILIAS-Link (Learning resource for course) Registrations are transmitted from CTS to ILIAS (no admission in ILIAS possible). ILIAS
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Lecturers Prof. Dr. Stefanie Julia SchmidtInstitute of Psychology, Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 
Anja Martina HirsigInstitute of Psychology, Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 
Xenia Anna HäfeliInstitute of Psychology, Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 
Recognition as optional course possible No
Grading 1 to 6
Dates Wednesday 14:15-16:00 Weekly
Rooms Seminarraum B 306, Institutsgebäude vonRoll
Students please consult the detailed view for complete information on dates, rooms and planned podcasts.