472347-HS2022-0-Sustainable Behavior from a Social Neuroscience Perspective

Root number 472347
Semester HS2022
Type of course Seminar
Allocation to subject Psychology
Type of exam Written exam
Title Sustainable Behavior from a Social Neuroscience Perspective
Description Sustainable behavior requires meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable behavior is one of the key challenges facing humanity. Of these challenges, climate change represents the most prototypical one, and individual behavior plays a central role in both its cause and mitigation. In this course, students will learn about research methods and central findings on sustainable behavior from a Social Neuroscience and Environmental Psychology perspective. Key contents of the course will include:

- We will learn about and discuss central concepts of sustainability and use them as a framework to elaborate on how Social Neuroscience and Environmental Psychology can contribute to sustainability.
- We will discuss psychological theories on sustainable behavior and methods of its measurement. Specifically, we will elaborate on methods for measuring real sustainable decision-making, which do not depend on hypothetical scenarios or self-reports.
- We will get an overview of different neuroscientific methods (neuroimaging like EEG and (f)MRI as well as brain stimulation techniques like tDCS and TMS). We will discuss how these methods can uniquely contribute to understanding sustainable decision-making.
- We will present and discuss research studies investigating psychological constructs and neurobiological correlates that have been associated with sustainable behavior (e.g. social norms, processes of valuation, self-control, empathy and perspective-taking, emotions, etc.)
- In the last part of the semester, students will, in small groups, develop a research question regarding sustainable behavior and propose and present a corresponding neuroscientific research design (poster).
ILIAS-Link (Learning resource for course) Registrations are transmitted from CTS to ILIAS (no admission in ILIAS possible). ILIAS
Link to another web site
Lecturers Dr. Annika Marit WyssInstitute of Psychology, Social Neuroscience and Social Psychology 
Dr. Emmanuel Teófilo Guizar RosalesInstitute of Psychology, Social Neuroscience and Social Psychology 
Prof. Dr. Daria KnochInstitute of Psychology, Social Neuroscience and Social Psychology 
Recognition as optional course possible No
Grading 1 to 6
Dates Tuesday 14:15-16:00 Weekly
Tuesday 24/1/2023 14:15-15:45
Rooms Seminarraum B 306, Institutsgebäude vonRoll
Students please consult the detailed view for complete information on dates, rooms and planned podcasts.