7844-HS2022-0-Training in Empirical Research and Research Skills

Root number 7844
Semester HS2022
Type of course Group Laboratory
Allocation to subject Political Science
Type of exam not defined
Title Training in Empirical Research and Research Skills
Description Lecturer: Guillaume Zumofen
The Training in Empirical Research (TER) is offered several times. The TER lasts 2 semesters. In addition to this Training in Empirical Research and Research Skills, another Training in Empirical Research starts in HS22 (KSL 21783 without Research Skills).

This two-semester traineeship teaches the basics of social scientific research. It provides students with the intellectual tools to objectively evaluate factual claims by running and/or analyzing an empirical research. It is primarily aimed at students in the Bachelor of Social Sciences.

After successful completion of the course, students are able to produce a clearly structured and coherent empirical research article. In other words, they are able to frame a research question, to operationalize a theory into a research design, to collect and analyze data, to interpret results, and to write and present an empirical scientific research.

From a pedagogical perspective, the course combines lectures and active learning. At the beginning of the course, theoretical knowledge is taught in the form of lectures. This knowledge is interactively deepened by reading, discussion, and exercises. Then, research skills are taught in the form of hands-on classes. It combines writing skills, data collection, data management and data analysis on STATA. Courses on STATA are taught in the PC-Pool with examples and exercises. Students also carry out graded exercises.

At the end, students run an empirical research from A to Z applying what they previously learned. To be precise, this empirical research paper addresses a social science question. Students develop then a theoretical argument and an adequate research design. They empirically test hypotheses and discuss their findings in the light of existing literature. These empirical research papers are written in groups. They will be presented and commented during workshops (May 2023).

Prior or parallel attendance of the lecture and tutorials Sozialwissenschaftliche Statistik is highly recommended.

from August 15th 2022, 20.00 Uhr via ILIAS

ILIAS-Link (Learning resource for course) No registration/deregistration in CTS (Admission in ILIAS possible). ILIAS
Link to another web site
Lecturers Dr. Guillaume ZumofenInstitute of Political Science 
Prof. Dr. Marc BühlmannInstitute of Political Science 
Recognition as optional course possible No
Grading 1 to 6
Dates Wednesday 09:15-12:00 Weekly
Wednesday 7/12/2022 09:15-12:00
Wednesday 14/12/2022 09:15-12:00
Wednesday 21/12/2022 09:15-12:00
Rooms Seminarraum 002, Seminargebäude vonRoll
Students please consult the detailed view for complete information on dates, rooms and planned podcasts.