402776-HS2024-0-Literature analysis and management, seminar

Root number 402776
Semester HS2024
Type of course Seminar
Allocation to subject Ecology and Evolution
Type of exam not defined
Title Literature analysis and management, seminar
Description Registration deadline 22. September in KSL.

Mandatory for BSc 3rd year Ecology and Evolution. Master students or students from the 1st and 2nd year interested to participate in this course must get in touch with the course organisers prior to the registration deadline.

The course starts in semester week 3 and runs from 13:15-15:00 on Fridays (teachers: Barbara Taborsky & Carlos Melian). In week 3 students will be given an introduction to literature analysis (presence of ALL students required in week 3). In week 3 we will also divide the students in two blocks (Block 1: weeks 4-8, Block 2: weeks 9-14) to attain a smaller group size. In blocks 1 and 2, we discuss the goal, methods, results, implications and the quality of selected papers published in leading journals in ecology, behaviour and evolution. The course also teaches and practices some scientific writing skills. Each course day, two students summarize the main points of two papers, then all participants discuss about their content and open questions, and evaluate the scientific content, the experimental design, data analysis and quality of writing of each paper.
ILIAS-Link (Learning resource for course) Registrations are transmitted from CTS to ILIAS (no admission in ILIAS possible). ILIAS
Link to another web site
Lecturers Dr. Carlos Javier Melian PeñateTeaching Staff, Faculty of Science 
Prof. Dr. Barbara TaborskyInstitute of Ecology and Evolution (IEE) 
Recognition as optional course possible Yes
Grading 1 to 6
Dates Friday 13:15-15:00 Weekly
Rooms Seminarraum D110, Ökologie und Evolution
Students please consult the detailed view for complete information on dates, rooms and planned podcasts.