Root number
407234 |
HS2024 |
Type of course
Lecture |
Allocation to subject
Biomedical Engineering |
Type of exam
not defined |
Title |
Cardiovascular Technology |
Description |
Course Type: lectures and lab
Recommended Elective Course / Major Modules Biomechanical Systems and Electronic Implants
Course registration:
Selection criteria: 1. Students with MM Biomechanical Systems or Electronic Implants. 2. Other BME students. 3. GCB students. 4. Other students.
For questions on course and exam registration contact bme.artorg@unibe.ch.
Attendance rules:
• Attendance is mandatory in 11 out of 13 lectures.
Skill(s): Basic understanding of human anatomy and physiology
Course materials (slides, papers) are regularly posted on Ilias (www.ilias.unibe.ch).
Course Policies and Classroom Rules of Conduct:
• Academic dishonesty, plagiarism, and any other kind of fraud will lead to the exclusion from the course and/or a fail grade (grade 1) in the assessment.
• Punctuality
• No radios, audio/cd player, earphones
• No food and beverages in the classroom |
ILIAS-Link (Learning resource for course)
Registrations are transmitted from CTS to ILIAS (no admission in ILIAS possible).
Link to another web site
Further information for this course
Lecturers |
Prof. Dr.
Dominik Obrist, ARTORG Center - Cardiovascular Engineering (CVE) ✉
Prof. Dr.
Andreas David Heinrich Häberlin, Clinic of Cardiology ✉
Thomas Niederhauser, Masters in Biomedical Engineering ✉
PD Dr.med.
Stefano De Marchi, Clinic of Cardiology ✉
Prof. Dr.
Lars Englberger, Teaching Staff, Faculty of Medicine ✉
Hansjoerg Jenni, Clinic of Heart Surgery ✉
Thomas Küffer, Clinic of Cardiology ✉
Prof. Dr.
Vladimir Makaloski, Clinic of Vascular Surgery ✉
Prof. Dr. med.
Lorenz Räber, Clinic of Cardiology ✉
Prof. Dr.
Matthias Siepe, Clinic of Heart Surgery ✉
Prof. Dr.
Roland Gerhard Rudi Wiest, Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology ✉
3 |
Recognition as optional course possible
Yes |
1 to 6 |
Dates |
Wednesday 15:15-18:00 Weekly
Wednesday 18/9/2024 15:15-17:00
Wednesday 25/9/2024 15:15-18:00
Wednesday 11/12/2024 15:15-18:00
Wednesday 18/12/2024 15:15-18:00
Wednesday 8/1/2025 08:00-18:00
External rooms |
Inselspital, Dermatologie B113, Inselmattgasse 13
Inselspital, Hörsaal Langhans, Rosenbühlgasse 22
Inselspital, Julie-von-Jenner-Haus, Kursraum 1, Freiburgstrasse 19
Inselspital, Sahlihaus 1, Hörsaal Medizin, Rosenbühlgasse 22
Inselspital, Seminarraum H813, Murtenstrasse 35
Sitem, Freiburgstrasse 3, 3010 Bern, Room O1.122
Sitem-Insel, Felix Frey Auditorium E0.211, Freiburgstrasse 3
Sitem-Insel, Freiburgstrasse 3, 3010 Bern, Room O1.122
Students please consult the detailed view for complete information on dates, rooms and planned podcasts. |