491187-HS2024-0-Seminar: The Economics of Inequality

Root number 491187
Semester HS2024
Type of course Seminar
Allocation to subject Economics
Type of exam not defined
Title Seminar: The Economics of Inequality
Description Lecturers
Michael Gerfin (michael.gerfin@unibe.ch)
Jeanne Tschopp (jeanne.tschopp@unibe.ch)

Time and location
Monday 10:15-12:00, A019, UniS

*** this seminar is limited to 12 participants - first come first served - please register in KSL //open from 15.07.-05.09.2024

Students summarize and interpret research in areas of inequality, such as income inequality, wealth inequality, and wage inequality.

Prerequisites and materials
We strongly recommend that the seminar participants have successfully completed Microeconomics I and Econometrics I. Readings will be indicated on Ilias.

Organizational details
Language: The seminar is in English.

Broad schedule:
• Introductory classes: Four sessions from September 23 to October 14.
• Self-study and preparation: From October 21 to October 28, dedicated to reading papers and preparing presentations.
• Presentation sessions: From November 4 to December 9.

Paper selection and preparation:
• Each student will choose a research paper from a provided list. Selections are to be made via a Doodle poll by midnight on September 27, with allocations on a first-come, first-served basis.
• Papers and background reading materials will be available in a designated Ilias folder. Presentation slides must also be uploaded to this folder.
Presentation requirements:
• Students must prepare a 20-minute presentation summarizing their assigned paper, emphasizing its strengths and weaknesses.
• Presentations should incorporate insights from additional readings and relate back to topics discussed in the introductory classes.
• The focus should be on the general idea, methodology, and main findings of the paper, without delving deeply into technical details, although a good understanding of these should be demonstrated.
Meetings and feedback:
• Students are expected to meet with instructors twice before their presentation. The first meeting, four weeks prior, should include a draft and initial ideas for the presentation. The second meeting, two weeks before, should review a more polished version of the presentation.
Discussion and testing:
• Each presentation will be followed by a 15-minute discussion. Attendance and active participation are mandatory.
• On presentation days, there will be two student presentations followed by a 15-minute written test, which consists of an open question related to the day’s topics. Presenters are exempt from the test.
• Both participation in discussions and performance on tests will be graded. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with all topics and study the papers to be presented carefully.
ILIAS-Link (Learning resource for course) Registrations are transmitted from CTS to ILIAS (no admission in ILIAS possible). ILIAS
Link to another web site
Lecturers Prof. Dr. Michael GerfinDepartment of Economics 
Prof. Dr. Jeanne TschoppDepartment of Economics 
Recognition as optional course possible Yes
Grading 1 to 6
Dates Monday 10:15-12:00 Weekly
Rooms Seminarraum A 019, UniS
Students please consult the detailed view for complete information on dates, rooms and planned podcasts.